Anonymous just donated $3
Belinda Liddell just donated $100
Anonymous just donated $50
Chati Tasantab just donated $50
Generous Anonymous Matching Donors just donated $19,314
Anonymous just donated $10
Anonymous just donated $30
Anonymous just donated $30
Clovia Holdsworth just donated $350
Anonymous just donated $100
Anonymous just donated $350
Anonymous just donated $140
Kai Chen just donated $140
Brad Holmes just donated $100
Tina Offler just donated $50
Anonymous just donated $250
Anne Long just donated $30
Bryan just donated $100
Bryan Coleborne just donated $100
Eliza Hurst just donated $20

Donations were doubled thanks to the generosity of anonymous donors!
Thanks to the anonymous donors, donations up to 25,000 were doubled to support the Scholarship for Asylum Seekers Program.
Help people seeking Asylum Access Higher Education
You can help inspiring people like Atefeh access higher education and build better lives in Australia.
Atefeh and her husband left their home country seeking freedom of speech, movement and opportunity. When they arrived in Australia seeking asylum, they spent 18 months in a detention centre.
It was there that Atefeh experienced the kindness of nurses and dreamed that one day she would be able to study nursing and help others in her new home in Australia.
Asylum seekers often overcome extraordinary obstacles to start lives of freedom, safety and opportunity in Australia. But they also face barriers to higher education when they arrive.
Your tax-deductible donation today will help ensure inspiring people like Atefeh do not miss out on a higher education in 2025.
Atefeh’s story shows the enormous impact your donation can have. She was overjoyed to receive a scholarship that provided a financial ‘safety net’ so she could focus on her studies.
Without this vital support, the University is unable to cover the course fees for someone seeking asylum through the Scholarship for Asylum Seeker Program.
Thanks to the kindness of people like you, Atefeh was able to buy textbooks, groceries and pay rent. With the generous support of our community, Atefeh was supported to succeed in her studies – and she did!
Today, Atefeh works as a nurse in oncology and palliative wards. She provides expert, compassionate care to people facing the end of their life. She shared, “I treat my patients like family. I look after them through their hardest times.”
Your gift today will help open the door to higher education for someone like Atefeh, but you’ll also have a broader impact: on their families, on our community, and on a more inclusive and more equitable society.
Donate to shape a better tomorrow
Participation Challenge
Thank you!
Thanks to your generosity through Gifting Day, the University will support 3 additional Shaping Futures Scholarships of $5,000.
That’s 3 more lives changed for the better!
Participation Challenge capped at 3 Shaping Futures Scholarships.