Alumni House

A place for connection, conversation and celebration.

To celebrate and publicly recognise the enduring relationships between the University of Newcastle and its alumni community, the University will create Alumni House – a digitally-enabled space dedicated to fostering the pride and nostalgia that alumni feel for the University, giving them a sense of belonging and enabling them to give back with impact by offering their time and expertise to the next generation of graduates.

Alumni House will be located on the former TPI House site (now vacant land) at 231 King Street, Newcastle. The cost to bring this project to fruition is estimated at $15 million. The University of Newcastle has committed a cornerstone investment of $5 million, as well as the site at 231 King Street, towards this project. It is our aspiration to raise a minimum of $10 million in philanthropic support for the project over the next two years.

Be part of the future with us. This is an inspirational project, connecting with global communities from the heart of Newcastle, and one where every donor is recognised for their generous donation. To cement your support and to make a major gift please contact the Alumni House project team – or +61 2 4921 7892.

Your donation will support Alumni House.

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Spaces and Activities

Alumni House will provide the first ever space on our campuses purposely designed for our alumni and wider community. The purpose-built space will provide a “front door” to the University, providing a warm and welcoming home for our alumni returning to campus and, through our alumni, we will also welcome our wider community into the University.

Potential Spaces

  • Conference, exhibition and event space
  • Mentoring suites
  • Hot desk facilities
  • Shared informal workspaces
  • Virtual technology-capable spaces
  • Bookable board and meeting rooms
  • Catering kitchen and café facilities
  • Private dining space
  • Lounge for informal gatherings

Proposed Activities

  • Virtual and physical engagement with our global alumni
  • Alumni to student engagement; for example: mentoring, recruitment services and career development opportunities
  • Pop-up/Drop-in business opportunities
  • Alumni celebrations
  • Alumni networks and chapter meetings and events
  • Professional development events for alumni and students
  • Networking events and opportunities
  • Hosting of private events
  • Community lectures and gatherings
  • Performances and exhibitions

Alumni-LED Engagement Project

To bring this fantastic community project to life, the University launched an Australian Institute of Architecture (AIA) Architectural Design Competition, inviting leading architectural firms to set out their vision for Alumni House. It was imperative that all firms had alumni representation in their project team. The competition received more than 100 initial registrations, which led to 32 design teams submitting an Expression of Interest. Four finalists were ultimately selected, and the winners were Durbach Block Jaggers Architects with Jane Irwin Landscape Architecture, Cox Inall Ridgeway, Surface Design and Northrop who together created the physical vision of Alumni House. Importantly, over 70 alumni participated in the competition across all firms that entered, cementing our commitment of connection and collaboration with our alumni.

A Project That Inspires

Meet our dedicated ambassadors — proud Alumni championing this project.